Stephanus lectoribus sal.
Propter hodiernorum instrumentorum lectoriorum varietatem maximam liber c.t. "Capti" nunciam in formis EPUB et MOBI venum datur. Exemplaria iam probata sunt legique possunt per programmata applicabilia "iBooks," "NOOK," "Adobe Digital Editions" necnon per harum societatum programmata lectoria quae in solitis computatoriis ponuntur.
Maximo emolumento est quod hoc in situ, apud Cataractae Tabernam, emi possunt exemplaria electronica. (Praebentur et vincula cum sitibus ubi veneunt et exemplaria chartacea.)
Ad cupidinem legendi stimulandam prima tria "Captorum" capita in formis PDF et EPUB gratis depromi licet. (Indice nostro interretiali freti illa verba invenietis de quibus solita lexica classica silent. )
Gratias magnas vobis in antecessum agimus si hunc nuntium amicis vestris Latine doctis tradetis.
The Cataracta Store went live today!
In order to accommodate the wide range of digital reading devices in the world, Capti is now available in EPUB and MOBI formats. These have been tested and are readable with the iBooks, NOOK and Kindle apps and Adobe Digital Editions as well as their desktop computer counterparts.
The best part is you can buy the eBooks directly through this website at the Cataracta Store! (There are also links to the printed editions.)
To whet your appetite, we are also offering PDF and EPUB editions of the first three chapters of Capti, available as a free download. (Use the online Index for words you won't find in your dictionary. )
Thank you for passing the word along to your Latin-speaking friends.