Capti ut Liber Electronicus Iterum Praesto

Stephanus Latine legentibus s.p.d.

Illius fabulae cui est titulus Capti exemplaria electronica “NOOK Book” iam inde ab hodierno die emi possunt 9.99 thaleris. Licet etiam specimen (sc. paene tota prima tria capita) seu in Interrete seu deprompta gratis evolvere.

Si cui, sicut et mihi, nullum est instrumentum NOOK, “NOOK for Web” gratis usurpare poterit sive “NOOK for Windows” depromere necnon programmata applicabilia NOOK (ad iPad, iPhone, Android).  (In ima pagina Interretiali Barnes & Noble coniunctiones invenietis cum locis ubi haec optiones praebentur.)

Eis qui amicos suos Latine legere valentes de hoc libro electronico certiores facient maximas gratias in antecessum ago.  Valete!

Capti eBook Available Again

The NOOK Book version of Capti was published today and is selling for $9.99. You may also read online or download a free sample of the first three chapters (minus a few pages).

If you're like me and don't own a NOOK device, please use NOOK for Web or download NOOK for Windows 8 or a NOOK app (iPad, iPhone, Android). (Scroll to the bottom of the Barnes & Noble web page for links to these options.)

Thank you for sharing this information with your Latin-speaking friends and helping me get the word out!


© 2013-18 Stephanus Berard  | "Vae dinosauris!"