6 die mensis Maii anni MMXV

Stephanus Boreoccidentalibus s.p.d.

Ad proximam commorationem initiandum in thermopolio Colophon conveniemus (1108  11th Street, Bellingham, WA) inter horas 11:00 et 11:30. Postquam advenae laxati erunt et potionibus refocillati, alia faciemus quae parochi nostri Bellinghamienses nondum adamussim constituerunt.

Praecepta eis qui una mecum aliisque “meridianis” Bellinghamiam petent:

Qui igitur die sexto decimo Seattlo proficiscentur nona hora cum dodrante in illa interversantium area stativa Lynnwoodiana congrediemur quae ad Viam 164 et iuxta Iter 5 sita est. Ex Itinere 5 exite ad Viam 164, sinistrorsum sive ad occidentem versus flectite, dein, postquam per viaeductum Iter 5 transieritis, in Viam Fraxini, sive “Ash Way” dextrorsum flectite. Cum primum licuerit iterum dextrorsum flectite in aream stativam. Deinde statim bis sinistrorsum flectite.  Scilicet nos in areae angulum meridianum et occidentalem, sive “meridioccidentalem” conveniemus atque inter vehicula nostra distribuemur.  Decima hora viam capessemus. Vndecima fere hora cum quadrante nos ad thermopolium adventuros exspecto. Si gubernans vocabor, sine dubio respondebit alius particeps pro me.

In diem sextum decimum!  Valete!


We’ll start out the next Latin Day by gathering between 11:00 and 11:30 at the Colophon Café (1108  11th Street, Bellingham, WA). After the newcomers are relaxed and refreshed, we’ll begin whatever activities, as yet undetermined, that our Bellingham hosts will have in store for us.

Directions for those riding with me and the other “southerners”:

Those who will be leaving from the Seattle area on the 16th should gather at 9:45 at the Park-and-Ride that’s located near the intersection of I-5 and 164th in Lynnwood.  Exit I-5 at 164th and turn left, i.e., west; then, after you cross over I-5, turn right onto Ash Way. Turn right at the first opportunity into the Park-and-Ride; then immediately make two lefts. We’re meeting in the southwest corner of the lot.  We’ll get on the road at 10:00. I expect that we’ll arrive at the café by 11:15 or so but possibly a little after.

See you all on the 16th!

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