XI die m. Nov. habebitur Commoratio Latina!

Stephanus Latine loquentibus s.p.d.

Quidni Burke Museum archaeologicum et anthropologicum invisamus? Propono ut undecima hora semis in illo thermopolio Starbuckiano conveniamus cuius inscriptio est 4555 University Way NE (606-34-1390), scilicet in Via Vniversitatis prope Viam 47. Post colloquium prandere poterimus in quacumque ex popinis in ea regione sitis...velut apud Costam, popinam Graecam quae iuxta thermopolium est.  

Post cibos sumptos ad museum transibimus. Tesserae minimi pretii sunt. Si quis autem auxilio opus erit, adiuvabo. Post artificia, ossa ceterasque expositiones inspectas aut per academiae campum deambulare aut in satis amplo tranquilloque thermopolio musei sermocinari poterimus.  

Qui Latine loquentes cenare velint etiam hoc facere poterunt. Ego commendo popinam Cedrorum (4759 Brooklyn Ave NE, 206-527-4000). 

Latine vobiscum colloqui gestio! In diem undecimam. 



So how about if this time we go to the Burke Museum of Archeology and Anthropology? I suggest we meet at 11:30am at the Starbuck's that's located at 4555 University Way NE (606-34-1390) near 47th. After our conversation there we can have lunch at any of the local restaurants, like the Costas Greek restaurant, which is right next door. 

After lunch we'll head over to the museum. The tickets are very cheap, but if anyone needs help, I can help. After seeing all the artifacts, skeletons, and other exhibits we can walk around the campus or chat in the museum café which is large and quiet. 

Those wishing to dine in Latin can do so. I recommend Cedars (4759 Brooklyn Ave NE, 206-527-4000). 

I can't wait to speak Latin! See you on the 11th!


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