Quinto Die Mensis Maii Habebitur Commoratio Bellinghamiae!

Stephanus Boreoccidentalibus s.p.d.

Bonum diem, amici!  Vndecima fere hora semis apud popinam Colophonem commorationem incipiemus. Bellinghamienses, ut hospites nobis atque, ut ita dicam, deliciarum arbitri, cetera agenda constituent et curabunt. Haec sunt Bellinghamiensium nostrorum consilia: 

I. Hora 11:30 conveniemus in thermopolio COLOPHON dicto:

Colophon est situm in vico nomine Fairhaven. In hac regione raedas vestras commode relinquere poteritis. Hoc in thermopolio quidam prandium sument, quidam modo merendam, illic autem Latine continuatim loquentes per duas fere horas manebimus;

2. Hora, puta, 1:30 ad hortos publicos ambulabimus, qui Boulevard Park dicuntur. Illic sub divo ludere vel aliud agere poterimus. Si tamen pluet aliud constituere nos oportebit.

3. Hora 4:30, plus minus, redibimus ad vicum Fairhaven dictum ubi quadam in popina una cenabimus.

In proximum!  Valete!



Greetings, Northwestern Latin Speakers!

It's all decided now! We’ll be getting together on May 5th in Bellingham to do lots of fun things! We’ll be starting off at the Colophon Café at around 11:30.  Our Bellinghamian friends, as our hosts and, as it were, our deliciarum arbitri, will be in charge of what we do afterward. Here are their plans:

1. 11:30 AM: getting together at Colophon Cafe, in Fairhaven (Colophon, 1108  11th Street, Bellingham, WA). Some may want to have lunch or just a snack there, while introducing ourselves.

2. Around 1:30 PM: we walk to the Boulevard Park, where we can play some games, either ball games, board games, or other kind. If it rains, we'll make other plans.

3. Around 4:30 PM: we walk back to Fairhaven and have dinner in a restaurant.


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