12 die mensis Aprilis anni MMXIV

Duodecimo die mensis Aprilis Commoratio Seattlensis celebrabitur proxima!

Cum anno praeterito, pulchre fulgente sole, permulti Seattlitae ad hortos zoologicos affluxerint neque ideo raedis stationem invenire facile fuerit, auctor sum ut horno, contra consuetudinem, recta ad Hortos Zoologicos Silvestres (Woodland Park Zoo; 206.684.4800) pergamus neque alibi antea conveniamus.  Suadeo ut per Introitum Occidentalem intretis quia in Papilione Silvae Pluviae (Rain Forest Food Pavilion), quae in proximo est, conveniemus inter undecimam horam et undecimam semis.  Post colloquia habita prandiumque sumptum prima fere hora incipiemus ipsos hortos (sive “therotrophium”) perlustrare, bestias describere, plures sermones serere, et ita porro. (Vide hortorum tabulam.)

Cum participes hortos ante intraturi sint quam congregemur, necesse erit cuique introitus tesseram sibi emere (sc. $12.75).  Postea autem, quia magnam vim nummorum mecum habebo, quindecim discipulos, si tot aderunt, ilico remunerari potero ex Commorationum fisco. 

Quarta hora cum dodrante omnes, vel saltem ei qui una cenare velint, ante Introitum Occidentalem convenient ut de cena consilia capiantur.  Forsan, sicut anno praeterito, cenabimus in illa caupona satis vicina, “Kisaku” vocata.  Si pro paucioribus quam quindecim discipulis pretium therotrophii intrandi solvero, fieri potest ut discipulis ad cenam solvendam summulam aliquam tribuere possim.

Sigla telephonii gestabilis mei ad ipsam tantum Commorationis diem: 206-669-1488.

Commorationum dies hic inspice (a parte dextera et inferiore).

Ecce vocabulorum index huic nuntio adiunctus!

Venite et Latine nobiscum colloquimini!




The next Latin Day in Seattle will be held on April 12th!

Last year, since it was a gorgeous sunny day, hordes of Seattlites flocked to the zoo, which made it hard for us to find parking spots in the afternoon.  So I propose that this time we violate our custom of meeting elsewhere beforehand and just head right for the Woodland Park Zoo (206.684.4800).  You should enter through the West Entrance because it is close to the Rain Forest Food Pavilion), where we’re going to meet between 11:00 and 11:30. After chatting and having lunch, at about 1:00 we’ll go check out the zoo, describe the animals, keep talking, etc. etc. (Zoo map).

Since the participants will be entering the zoo before we meet, everyone will have to pay for their tickets ($12.75) before coming in, but then I’ll have cash from the Latin Day budget to immediately reimburse fifteen students, if that many come.

At 4:45 all of us, or at least those who want to dine together, will meet in front of the West Entrance to make dinner plans.  Perhaps, as last year, we’ll have dinner at relatively close-by Kisaku.  If I will have paid for zoo tickets for fewer than fifteen students, I should be able to contribute something to students for dinner.

My cellphone number only for Latin Day: 206-669-1488.

See Latin Day dates here (at the lower right).

Note the vocabulary list attached to this message!

Come and speak Latin with us!


© 2013-18 Stephanus Berard  | "Vae dinosauris!"