Stephanus Boreoccidentalibus sal.
Ventura Commoratio “Seattlensis” – id quod interdum fit – non Seattli sed haud ita longe ab urbe habebitur, sc. in “Castris Calidis” prope oppidum Stanwood apud conventum annuum illius societatis cui est titulus Junior Classical League. Aderunt CC fere discipuli classium quintae, sextae, septimae, octavae, nonae, decimae, undecimae, duodecimae. Nos undecima hora ad “Colloquium I” habendum conveniemus in conclavi nomine “Pini” ubi inter nos Latine colloquemur ac spectantes, documentis quibusdam utilibus armatos, in colloquia nostra allicere conabimur. (Vide conventus rationem horarum adiunctam aliaque instrumenta electronica.)
Prandium undenis (xi) thaleris constabit. Post prandium amoenitatibus castrorum locorumque proximorum fruemur. Qui velint ambulationem rusticam facient. Intus manentes ludum nomine “Gerrae!” forsan suscipiemus. Cuius apparatum afferam.
Eos qui sine dubio aderunt rogo ut -- si fieri poterit -- ante crastini diei (Lunae) finem nomen mihi dent! Opinor utcumque solitos fidissimos socios nostros adfore: me, Catherinam, Beniaminum, Maximum, Theudericum, Albertum, Iosephum necnon et Thomam. Octo fere. Si quis autem ex his adesse nequibit, certiorem me faciat…saltem ante diem xiii huius mensis. Alii participare cupientes intra idem temporis spatium me certiorem faciant quaeso precorque.
Cum socii JCL togati cenent neque mihi sit toga (atque epulum illud paulo serius inceptum iri videatur nos autem maturius discedere soleamus), suadeo ut nos qui ceteri conventus non erimus participes alibi in vicinia cenemus. De popinis aptis ego ante diem sciscitabor.
Dear Northwesterners,
As sometimes happens, the next “Latin Day in Seattle” will not actually be in Seattle but close by in “Warm Camp” near the town of Stanwood at the annual meeting of the Junior Classical League. Participating in the meeting will be 200 Latin students from grades 5 through 12. We will convene at 11:00 am for the “Colloquium I” in the room called “the Pines,” where we will be speaking in Latin and attempting to entice the onlookers, who will be armed with some useful materials, into speaking Latin. (See the attached schedule as well as other documents.)
Lunch will cost $11. After lunch we’ll enjoy the camp and surroundings. Those wishing to can hike. Indoors, there will be an opportunity to play games. I’ll bring supplies for Latin Balderdash!
I ask those who will definitely be coming to let me know by tomorrow, Monday, if possible. I assume our most faithful core will be there with me: Catherina, Beniaminus, Maximus, Theudericus, Albertus, Iosephus as well as Thomas. So about eight. If any of these can’t join us, I ask you to let me know before th 13th at the latest. Others who would like to take part should also notify me within the same time frame.
Since the JCL is a betoga-ed affair and I don’t have a toga and since we like to break up early but the banquet will go later, I would suggest that those of us who are not there for the JCL have dinner elsewhere. I’ll research the local restaurants.
Yours truly,