15 die menses Aprilis anni MMXVII

Quinto decimo die mensis Aprilis habebitur proxima Commoratio Seattlensis!

Vndecima hora matutina in illo thermopolio Starbuckiano congregabimur quod in Centri Seattlensis Aedibus Mediis prope ostium meridianum situm est. (Medio mense Aprili forsan intus sedebimus.) Paulo post, duodecima fere hora, diversis ex Aedium Mediarum popinis, quarum sunt complures, prandium petemus unaque sumemus. Certe licebit etiam proprium afferre prandium.

Post prandium, prima fere hora semis, Museum et Pantheon Scientiae Ficticiae Phantasiaeque invisemus, ubi oculis nostris offerentur, inter alia permulta, expositiones de Peregrinatione Interstellari, Bellis Stallaribus aliisque permultis.  Ego tribus discipulis primo petentibus tesseras praebere potero. Hortor ut magistri et parentes, si fieri potest, suorum introitum solvendum curent.

Quibus rebus gestis, in animo habemus thermopolium illud petere cui est nomen “Summa Olla” (2124 5th Ave, 206-728-1966); nam ibi praebentur et optima caffea et omne genus circellorum frictorum atque etiam sita est in superiore tabulato bibliotheca ad colloquia Latina habenda satis apta. 

Vt fieri assolet, ei qui velint adhuc Latine loquentes matura hora (quinta semis?) una cenabunt.

Indicem vocabulorum ad “scientiam ficticiam” pertinentium huic nuntio coniunxi.

In diem XV!  Valete!



The next Latin Day in Seattle will be held on April 15th!

At 11:00am we'll get together in the Starbucks that's located at the south entrance of the Center House at the Seattle Center. A little later, probably at around noon, we'll lunch together on food we get from one or various of the Center House restaurants. You can certainly bring your own lunch too.

After lunch, at about 1:30, we’ll be visiting the Science Fiction and Fantasy Museum and Hall of Fame, where we’ll feast our eyes on, among other things, exhibits on Star Trek, Star Wars and many other things. I can offer tickets to the first three students requesting them. I encourage teachers and parents, if possible, to help out their own kids with the price of admission.

After all this, we plan to go to Top Pot (2124 5th Ave, 206-728-196), where they have great doughnuts and coffee and where there’s an upstairs library that’s a fine place for having group conversations in Latin.

As usual, everyone who wants to hang around for more Latin conversation will have an early dinner (5:30?).

I have attached a list of sci-fi vocabulary.

See you on the 15th! 


© 2013-18 Stephanus Berard  | "Vae dinosauris!"