9 die mensis Februarii anni MMXV

Stephanus Latine Loquentibus Boreoccidentalibus s.p.d.

Vicesimo primo die huius mensis habebitur proxima Commoratio Seattlensis!

Quo maius sit nobis otium ad expositionem Pompeianam inspiciendam, horam introitus nostri - de quo vos priore nuntio certiores feci - ad primam horam semis pomeridianam constitui. Ergo undecima hora non in Summa Olla congregabimur sed in commodius sito thermopolio Starbuckianio illo quod in Centri Seattlensis Armamentario (primitus “Aedes Mediae” dicto, in tabula luteo colore distincto) situm est. Thermopolium iuxta Armamentarii ostium meridianum invenietis.  Fulgente sole sive saltem sinente caelo, fieri potest ut foris sedeamus – id quod verisimilius est ut faciamus si, quod tantum raro fit, festum musicum nimis clamosum intra Armamentarium celebrabitur. Alioquin haud scio an, caloris interni causa, intus versaturi simus. Etiam si pluet, sunt utcumque foris umbellae magnae ad imbres arcendos. Afferatis igitur lacernas vestras moneo.

Cum sint in Armamentario complures variaeque popinulae voratrinaeque, auctor sum ut ibidem prandeamus, sc. ut quisque sibi prandium e voratrina sibi arridenti excipiat. Qui proprium prandium domi paratum secum afferre volent poterunt.  Post expositionem in Centro Scientiae Physiologicae Pacifico (in Centri Seattlensis apice meridiano posito) inspectam, nimirum in aliquo alio thermopolio, forsan in Summa Olla nobis bene nota, conveniemus. Postea, ei qui velint, adhuc Latine sermocinantes, una cenabunt.

De tesseris:

Sunt mihi sex tesserae, quarum tamen solum tres adhibebo quia ex Aqualbensibus soli aderimus ego et Catherina et Beniaminus. Hortamini igitur, magistri, discipulos vestros ut restantes tres tesseras sibi quam primum vindicent!  

Qui me illo die adire cupient, poterunt his siglis telephonicis utentes: (206) 669-1488.  (Ceteris diebus gestabili uti non soleo.)

In diem vicesimum primum!  Valete!


Dear Northwest Latin Speakers,

Our next Latin Day will be the 21st of this month!

So we can have more time for the Pompeii Exhibition our entry time will be 1:30 pm, as mentioned in a previous email. So we won’t be meeting at 11:00 at Top Pot but rather at the closeby Starbucks that is in the Armory of the Seattle Center. The Armory is colored orange on the map and used to be called the Center House.  Starbucks is at the southern entrance. If the sun’s out or the weather is just decent, we could be outside. This could also be the case if there happens to be a loud music event inside, which only rarely happens at that hour. Otherwise, because it’s warmer inside, we should be in there. However, if it rains, it’s still possible to be outside because there are umbrellas. Just in case, bring you coats.

The inside of the so-called Armory is basically a food court, so we should have lunch there. Each person can pick the kind of food he or she wants, and bag lunches will be fine too. After we view the exhibit, we’ll ubdoubtedly end up in some café, maybe Top Pot because we know it well.  Those wishing to will have dinner in Latin.


I have six tickets but will only be using three for us Wenatchee people: myself, Catherina, and Beniaminus. Teachers, encourage your students to claim the remaining three tickets as soon as possible!

Only on Latin Day you’ll be able to reach me at (206) 669-1488. (Other days I don’t tend to use my cellphone.)

See you on the 21st!


© 2013-18 Stephanus Berard  | "Vae dinosauris!"