20 die mensis Decembris anni MMXIV

Stephanus Latine loquentibus Boreoccidentalibus (sive regionis inter solis occasum et septentriones spectantis) s.p.d.

Illam Commorationem Seattlensem quae xxi die m. Februarii habebitur anticipans comparavi hodie sex tesseras ad expositionem Pompeianam invisendam. Quarum prima mea erit, ceteras quinque accipient ei discipuli qui primi petent. Ceteros – hoc est magistros aliosque necnon et eos discipulos qui non inter primos quinque petitores erunt – hortor ut tesseras suas quam primum emant apud: http://www.pacificsciencecenter.org/Exhibits/exhibits. Nos prima hora semis (1:30 pm sive 13:30:00 hora) intrabimus.

In mensem Februarium!



Dear Northwestern Latin speakers,

In anticipation of our February 21st Latin Day in Seattle, I just purchased six tickets to the Pompeii exhibit. The first will be mine, and the remaining five will go to whichever students first request them. Everyone else – teachers, others, and students who are not among the first five respondents – I advise to buy their tickets as soon as possible at http://www.pacificsciencecenter.org/Exhibits/exhibits. We will be entering at 1:30 pm (13:30:00)

See you in February!


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